Ganesh Shukla

You’re all set! Your Business Analysis Call is confirmed, and this could be the turning point for your coaching business. Here are a few key reminders to ensure you get the most out of this session.

Important Reminders for the Call:

  1. Keep your phone close – Our team may reach out to confirm your call.
  1. Make sure you’ve watched the full training – This call builds directly on the training content, so viewing it is essential.
  1. Show up on time – This call is valuable, and missing it without notice may affect future opportunities.
  1. If you can’t attend, let us know in advance – Rescheduling is available with prior notice.
  1. Have your camera on – A face-to-face interaction ensures the best experience and engagement.
  1. Prepare any questions in advance – This will help you get tailored, specific guidance.
  1. Remember the refund policy – If the call doesn’t meet your expectations, you can request a refund within 24 hours.
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